Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Effective as of August 1, 2017, IJJCorp, Inc. (“IJJCorp ”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “IJJCorp  Group” or “we” or “us” or “our”) have updated our Privacy Policy (“Policy”). For a prior version of our Privacy Policy, click here.

  1. Introduction

This Policy details our commitment to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit our Websites (as herein defined) (“Website Visitors”), who register to use our Services, or who attend or register to attend sponsored events or other events at which the IJJCorp  Group participates (“Attendees”). For this Policy, the term “Websites” shall refer collectively to and the other websites that the IJJCorp Group operates and that link to this Policy.

  1. Scope Of This Policy

In addition to the Websites that link to this Policy, this Policy applies to the following:

  • The IJJ Corp Marketplace is a subscription-based service with some of the Services. The IJJCorp Group and third parties may post applications to the IJJCorp  Marketplace. When we post an application and the application links to this Policy, this Policy applies. When a third party posts an application, the third party’s privacy policy applies.
  • The IJJ Corp Portal enables Alliance Members to create Cryptocurrencies accounts and for other integrations with our Services. For this Policy, “Subscriber,” as the term is used herein, shall refer to an individual or an entity that has agreed to a Service Agreement for using our Services.

In this Policy, personal information is about an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to their physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity. The use of information collected through our Service shall be limited to providing the Service for which the Subscribers have engaged.

Our Websites may contain links to other websites, and the information practices and privacy statements of such websites govern the content of such websites. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of other websites to understand their information practices.

Except for Account Information (as defined below) and other information, we collect in connection with your registration or authentication into our Services (as defined below), this Policy does not apply to our security and privacy practices in connection with your access to and use of the products and services which we market for subscription on our Websites (our “Services”). These security and privacy practices include how we protect, collect, and use electronic data, text, messages, communications, or other materials submitted to and stored within the Services by You (“Service Data”), are detailed in and governed by our Master Subscription Agreement, available here, or such other applicable agreement between you and any member of the IJJCorp  Group relating to your access to and use of such Services (“Service Agreement”).

Subscribers to our Services are solely responsible for establishing policies for and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as all privacy policies, agreements, or other obligations, relating to the collection of personal information in connection with the use of our Services by individuals with whom our Subscribers interact. Suppose you are an individual who interacts with a Subscriber using our Services. In that case, you will be directed to contact our Subscriber for assistance with any requests or questions relating to your personal information.

We collect information under the direction of our Subscribers and have no direct relationship with individuals whose personal information we process in connection with the use of our Services. If you are an individual who interacts with a Subscriber using our Services (such as a customer of one of our Subscribers) and would no longer like to be contacted by one of our Subscribers that use our Services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Subscriber that you interact with directly.

We may transfer personal information to companies that help us provide our Services. The Service Agreements with our Subscribers govern transfers to subsequent third parties for these purposes.

  1. Information That You Provide To Us

Account and Registration Information:
We ask for and collect personal information about you, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, instant messaging ID, and credit card information, as well as certain related information like your company name and website name when you register for an account to access or utilize one or more of our Services (an “Account”). We also ask for and collect personal information such as an email address and a name or alias from any individual you authorize to log into and utilize our Services in connection with Your Account.

If you sign-up for a free trial Account, you are not required to enter your credit card information unless and until you decide to continue with a paid subscription to our Services. A third-party intermediary is used to manage credit card processing. This intermediary cannot store, retain, or use your billing information for any purpose except for credit card processing on our behalf.

We refer to any information described above as “Account Information” for this Policy. By voluntarily providing us with Account Information, you represent that you are the owner of such personal data or are otherwise authorized to provide it to us.