IJJ Corporation was Founded In 2003.

Our focus is Building Business Partnership


  • IJJ Corporation (IJJCorp) was acquired in 2003 as a Bulletin Board. Currently a OTC Public company with a history providing Federal and Department of Defense Information Technology (IT) and Facility Management services.
  • Today, establishing diversified revenue streams as a FurtureTech in emerging digital assets, a forerunner in defining Fintech technologies, and new market expansions to finance Core Business Initiatives.
  • The Core Business platform will evolve into a FinTech business model utilizing internal WebApps to finance business initiatives such as Business Processing as a Service (BPaaS) within our Corporation’s Social Responsibility Commitments (SRC) to include SEC applicable exemptions for raising working capital.
  • In addition, by acquiring the federal government GSA Schedule to win IT contracts, the Company will develop an Essential Business Application (EBA) for enterprise operations to integrate departmentally on-demand exchange of workflow throughput, project management, and administrative processing as a full-service operation.


  • In 2018, the core business structure began to move towards consolidating our Building Business Partnerships (BBP), emphasizing the Economic Impact initiative to create partnerships for the betterment of lifestyle improvements, providing rewards with benefits.
  • Within 2020, when coupling the development of WebApp, an e-commerce exchange trading platform (eCETP), it became apparent to shift towards building app technology to generate working capital for the Commission Depository Enterprises Platform (CDEP).
  • Also, in the third quarter of 2023, we entered into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) to merge a USA-based Hemp Production Plant into IJJ Corp to provide specialized products with a wholesaler with distribution channels nationwide.
  • In the 2024 Third Quarter, before April, the core services will include deploying a Commission Depositary Enterprise Platform (CDEP) to modulate cryptocurrency issuances globally as securitized Certificates as centralized worldwide operations.
    Including establishing Sub-Partner teams of selective Blockchain Mining companies with customer registering Coins and Tokens for trading on CDEP. Teaming as partners, introducing a conversion to market value certificate trading versus competitive liquidity volume trading.

Our Partnership Expansion Platform

Sub-Partnership must have an existing business with an expansion plan and needs working capital.

  1. Merge as a subsidiary, participate in an incubation period between 12 to 18 months.

  2. The merger is for 51 to 100% Management control.

  3. Subsidiary converts to Profit Center within negotiated terms per Sub-Partnership.

  4. The Expansion includes Sub-partnership Principal joining the Board of Directors during incubation.

  5. The company will receive a block of Preferred convertible stock as part of the exit strategy.

  6. Plus, as a Board of Directors member, the Original Owner has autonomy over the operation.
  7. More Details are provided during the initial interview

FinTech is the Gateway to Financing IJJ Corp Sub-Partnerships

Meet a team of visionaries

Clifford Pope

Founder, CEO

Oscar Lawson

Chief Operating Officer

David C. Adams Jr.

Vice President of Business Relations

TBN Soon!

Vice Presidnet Marketing Officer

TBN Soon!

Chief Technology Officer

TBN Soon!

Chief Financial Officer

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