eCETP License Agreement

Key terms applicable to the License Agreement:

  • Software” refers to the computer programs and documentation listed and described in Schedule A, attached to this Agreement.
  • eCETP” is a cloud-based web application utilizing Donator Backer Packages (DBP) and Account Receipt Tickets (ARTs) to collect donations from subscribers.
  • eCETP” sells DBP bundles with ARTs, which are purchased for each donation campaign. The license package eliminates the need to purchase DBPs and allows the Licensee to specify the number of ARTs for each campaign.

2. Grant of Rights The Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Software as a 10-user interface with unlimited ARTs.

3. License Term This License becomes effective upon execution by both parties and remains in force until the Licensee discontinues use of the Software or the Licensor terminates the License due to the Licensee’s failure to comply with its terms and conditions.

4. License Fee The Licensee agrees to participate in the perpetual license program as a Licensor for the following fees: eCETP donation and Contribution to Business Processing as a Service.

5. Termination The Licensor reserves the right to immediately terminate this License if the Licensee fails to meet any obligations under this License or if the Licensee becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

6. License Plan Overview

  • The License is intended for Alliance Partners interested in owning a API eCETP account that uses cryptographic technology with fiat as a hybrid donation and contribution platform.
  • The platform processes cryptographic Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) transactions as proof of concept, authenticating, tracking, and archiving transactions for virtual financial assets, including sending and receiving fiat currency.
  • The License is non-transferable and not for resale.
  • The License authorizes the Alliance Partner to rebrand, white-label, and sell donation services to any industry category.
  • On-demand orders (ODO) are included, along with a fully functional eCETP, lifetime updates, and support services for Alliance Members.
  • Licenses are limited to 400 Alliance Partners within the target market.
  • Preset Pricing establishes acceptable currency values for calculating equations and formulas for rewards and benefits tables.

7. License Plan to Ownership

7.1 12-Month License to Ownership: $38,000

  • Purchase eCETP Perpetual License Bundled Packages for 48,000 ARTs.
  • The first ODO must be placed for 2 Perpetual License Packages with 4,000 ARTs in the first month.
  • Purchase Commitment: $1,583.

7.2 Option 2: Purchase Plan

  • Purchase 2 DBPs separately at 2,000 ARTs each month for $791 each.

7.3 12-Month Achievable Results

  • Nonprofit tax-exempt donation: $40.
  • Total ARTs: 4,000.
  • Monthly donation goal: $160,000.
  • 12-month donation projection: $1,920,000.

7.4 Option 3: Purchase the License Anytime Without Penalties

  • $33,000 as a perpetual lifetime owner, with $500 annually for updates, online and on-site maintenance, and new version updates.

8. Software Titles The Licensor retains title to and ownership of the Software. All enhancements, modifications, and updates are included in the License Agreement.

9. Modifications and Enhancements The Licensee shall not attempt to reverse engineer the Software or make any modifications or enhancements without the Licensor’s express written consent.

10. Warranty Limitations The Licensor warrants that the Software will function substantially in accordance with the description and specifications outlined in the attached Schedule A. This warranty replaces all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

11. Remedy Limitations The Licensor’s entire liability and the Licensee’s exclusive remedy for breach of the foregoing warranty shall be, at the Licensor’s option, either:

  • A refund of the license fee for the period in which the Software did not perform according to this warranty, or
  • Repair of the defects or replacement of the Software.

12. Damage Limitations Neither party shall be liable to the other for indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, including loss of profits. The Licensor’s liability to the Licensee for any other damages arising out of this Agreement, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to the amount received by the Licensor from the Licensee as compensation for the Software during the 12 months immediately preceding the claim.

13. Confidentiality The Licensee agrees to treat the Software as a trade secret and proprietary know-how belonging to the Licensor, which is made available in confidence. The Licensee agrees to handle the Software with at least the same level of care as its own confidential or proprietary information.

14. Arbitration The parties agree to submit any dispute arising under this License to binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association in the following location: Mina, FL. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court with jurisdiction.

15. Attorney Fees If any legal action is necessary to enforce this License, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, costs, and expenses in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled.

16. General Provisions a) Complete Agreement: This License Agreement, together with all schedules referred to herein and incorporated by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior understandings, agreements, representations, and documentation related to the subject matter. b) Modifications:Amendments to this Agreement, including any exhibit, schedule, or attachment, shall be enforceable only if in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. c) Applicable Law: This License will be governed by the laws of the State of Maryland. d) Notices: All notices and other communications given in connection with this License shall be in writing and deemed given as follows:

  • When delivered personally to the recipient’s address as stated in the introductory paragraph of this License.
  • Three days after being deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the recipient as stated in the introductory paragraph.
  • When sent by fax or telex to the last known fax or telex number of the recipient. Notice is effective upon receipt, provided that a duplicate copy of the notice is promptly sent by first-class or certified mail, or the recipient delivers a written confirmation of receipt.

Any party may change its address by giving notice of the change as provided above.

e) No Agency: Nothing in this License shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, joint venture, or other forms of joint enterprise between the parties.

17. Assignment The rights conferred by this License shall not be assignable by the Licensee without the Licensor’s prior written consent. The Licensor may impose a reasonable license fee for any such assignment.

18. Signatures This License shall be signed by ____________________, Member, on behalf of IJJ Corporation, and by ______________________, CEO, on behalf of ____________________________. The License shall become effective once both parties have signed.

IJJ Corporation
By: ___________________
Name: _________________
Title: _________________
Date: _________________

By: ___________________
Name: _________________
Title: _________________
Date: _________________